Booking and Cancellation conditions


10% of the price of the booking is non refundable (administrative & booking costs).

– If guest do cancel less than 48 hours prior to the tour – No refund.

– In regards with Covid-19 situation: in case of government’s restrictions, 50% of reimbursment or rebooking for next season activities.


10% of the price of the booking is non refundable (administrative & booking costs).

– If guest do cancel 7 days or earlier prior to the activity booked, full payment is due, except the 10% of non-refundable fees.

– If guest do cancel less than 48 hours prior to the tour – No refund.

– If cancellation is due to weather/lack of snow, activities will be reimbursed, except for 10% of the non-refundable fees.

– In regards with Covid-19 situation: in case of government’s restrictions, 50% of reimbursment or rebooking for next summer activities.
